
To think that the genocide in gaza is still ongoing and in front of our eyes every single day. it's such a rotten world. The only thing that lifts me up is to see that the marches are only getting bigger. If it ever stops I wonder if there's anything left to return to... from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free


Tomorrow I take the train at midnight and I'll be travelling for a long long time... I'm taking my physical diary with me so it'll be a while before I update my blog here I think. I'm excited though. Feels like the start of something brand new:) over and out!

♫ Matthew Young - Traveler's Advisory

Been thinking about revamping the blog a bit, maybe add pagination and such, but honestly not sure where to start + I'm lazy. anyway, I got access to status.cafe so I decided to add it on top of the page, which means I can reserve this for the more wordy stuff:^) Other than that I'm fairly happy with the site, with only some few changes I want to do at some point. I also need to upload The Fjord House somewhere. I finished the comic months ago lol.

So recently I've been playing Cry of Fear with my friends for our weekly horror night, which I knew existed from decade old LPs that I never actually watched. I'm actually a bit surprised with the grip it has on me. It's very indie in its writing but the athmosphere catches some parts of my own teen years that I haven't thought much about. Recently I've been very frustrated with the gentrification of my city, and the game feels a bit like a pocket in time that takes me back to ugly stations and unsettling areas which felt so much more real than the strange make-believe world they've turned my city into. Also, the dark and gloomy feeling of north european cities at night, and a whole different culture around loneliness and selfharm which was very toxic back then and definitely not good for me, but existentially it was much more familiar and tangible. It's making me realise to some extent how alienated I've been, not really facing my mental state because society was moving so fast around me. I realise how much time I spend trying to blend in and pretend. or maybe I'm just getting older...

♫ Selvmord - Smiler Alligevel



🖋 quick thoughts on AI generated art and writing

In a travelogue I just finished reading a marble sculptor in Tuscany is asked about the threat of AI and replies that human art is irreplaceable, that "the human soul is in the hands". I'm undecided on believing in souls but i DO believe in existential dread, pandemic-level cases of depression, and a fundamental need for humans to express themselves and to create. Still we argue about the quality of AI art vis-à-vis human art, when the real risk is total desensitisation to creative expression, which is being stolen from us right under our noses.

Arguing against AI art by the quality of the art has never done anything good for people who like to create. First, in the blink of an eye AI-art has already become nearly indistinguishable from human art especially for an untrained eye. Second, as expected, people now cry "AI generated!" in the replies of any artist who seems to struggle with getting the hands, or really, anything, right (though we all know how infuriating the hands are and it's only fair that AI technology had to go through that as well).

The debate should always have been on what makes our needs different from computers, and then I think we have a stronger argument than "AI art ugly thooo". Once again a chance to listen to the humanities to keep techbros and growth fanatics in check, before we hand over creativity to capitalist computer programs and then justify it by saying that it improves our workflow and it allowed us to produce 5 AAA games in a year or whatever.

I'd also get into how AI-art is being used in educational institutions which are notoriously obsessed with plagiarism but I'm saving that for another time/an actual article/a formal complaint to half of my department


hello web, it's been a while. I haven't actually been active anywhere recently, I've spent a lot of time out, I've been trying to spend more time on political activism even if it's a bit scary to go out and get loud on my own, and learning new skills, and I've actually been reading a lot these days - which, by the way, you're sort of forced to when the library decides that the 8 books you waited half a year for should become available in the same week!!!!

On the other hand I've been so busy with my job because I can't seem to finish the most simple tasks. and also school, which is not... killing me at all, the inertia and burnout just piles up... but I'm applying for some internships and if everything goes ok, I have a very interesting year ahead of me, so I try to keep my spirits up and not crash:) I've been thinking of starting a separate blog about travelling and urban development, so just some of the things that I spend a lot of time on when I'm not in my little online space. I think I'm maybe at a point where I don't mind merging my real life with my online life a bit more. The web used to be like a saferoom for me that had nothing to do with the outside, but recently I feel more...happy, confident, whatever. so it might be time to open the door just a little?

♫ Foals - Wash Off

2025 2023